Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rock Bottom

Last night at 8pm, I got one of my "freight train" headaches. That is what I call the excruciating cluster headaches I've had for the past 3 years because nothing stops them. I went to the ER at 10pm after my gallon sized Ziploc bag of prescriptions and oxygen therapy failed at easing any of the pain. I finally got to go home and was able to sleep by 2am, doped up on the six drugs they gave me through an IV, not included the five drugs I took at home before going to the ER. It was my second urgent care/ER trip within 2 weeks.

Waking up this morning, super groggy from all the drugs, I felt utterly defeated and completely hopeless. I have hit rock bottom. Nothing works, nothing helps. I truly feel that I may not survive the next cluster headache. Cluster headaches are called "suicide headaches" because the pain is so excruciating, desperate sufferers will try to kill themselves just to end the pain. I am terrified of what I might do in such a moment of pain-fueled weakness.

I am horribly depressed, desperate and frustrated. I am fed up with having to be super doped up all the time and covered in ice packs just to do basic things like take my dogs outside or shower. I am tired of fumbling around in the dark, looking for help and answers and the only thing I find are more "specialists" who give me more and more drugs with false hope of relief, followed by disappointment, deep depression and ER visits. DONE. I AM DONE.

I have decided to stop the cycle of expensive doctors' treatments that don't work, and ER visits that leave me pumped full of drugs that provide temporary relief at high cost to my health.

I have decided to stop fighting what I know can offer healing and hope.

I am making plans to be treated by a holistic clinic in S Texas that healed my brother's major depression and ADHD. His whole life has changed.

Tyler and I are in the very early stages of planning and gathering info to make this healing happen for me. So far, we estimate I will need to stay in the San Antonio area for up to 4 months to receive treatments and testing at the clinic. We have also roughly estimated the cost will be $4000 (eeep!). My birthday is coming up in a little over a week, and I have begun asking for money to help with the costs in lieu of a gift. Pretty much the only thing we've figured out is I need to go to this clinic and we'll make it happen...somehow!

I also decided to start this blog to seek support and possibly help others who suffer with chronic pain as I begin a healing journey.  

I refuse to keep fumbling in the darkness of pain and depression. I will fight to be well again. I can't imagine what that's like as I have been in pain for so long but I have begun to dare to imagine, hope, and pray again. Hope can be a dangerous thing, especially when I am so weak but I refuse to give up.


  1. Sweet Emily,
    You are an amazing fighter for so many years! I would not be able to last as long as you have with your painful illnesses. "And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love...Romans 5:5. love, dad & momma

  2. Keep on hoping! Keep on praying! Keep your resolve to NEVER GIVE UP! I know your post only scratches the surface of how difficult your circumstances truly are. Your mom and I are with you 1000%!! And we will spread the word of your needs and requests for prayers.
    We love you very much, Dad and Mom

  3. Wow Em. I am so amazed and proud of you. I had no clue. I look forward to your incredible fight and victory. love you

    1. Thanks beeker. I appreciate it. Who are you? ;)

  4. "eshet chayil" Hebrew for woman of valor. It's what the Bible uses for woman like Ruth, Elizabeth.. woman who are brave, overcomers, freakin' badasses for trusting in God when everything seems to be going to hell. That's you. thank you for letting us join you here... read all your posts. great site, love the quotes.


Hello-- thanks for commenting, I love hearing from you! If you would be so kind as to include your first name or initials in your comment (if you are posting anonymously) so I know who you are, that would be grrrreat! :)