Wednesday, October 9, 2013

First Appointment Deets

It was a great first appointment today. I am wiped because it was a bit of an information overload. We had a long consult with the clinic founder, Michele. I had saliva, urine and hair testing done. We got a tour of the grounds and different treatment buildings and bought all the supplements I will need.

From the saliva and urine tests, they already determined I am depleted of minerals, especially calcium thus the cause of the severe depression. I am also "extremely toxic" (high levels of nitrate nitrogens and ammoniacal nitrates) and my urine test revealed I have double the amount of kidney debris I should.

I don't know the hair test results yet. Those results will determine which metal toxicity I have (copper and/or aluminum). I need to have blood work done. The blood test will reveal the state of my kidneys, she is concerned about high levels of creatine and low potassium levels.

Good news is I no longer have to eat gluten free anymore! Just wheat free which is easier. All the other diet restrictions are minor and easy to do except for no cow cheese :( It's just temporary and Michele said I can have goat/sheep milk cheeses within a couple weeks (yay!). The diet philosophy is to eat foods that are simple and easy for my body to digest. It's all very healthy, organic and simple. I have to drink a quart of apple/carrot/celery juice every day. I also have to drink 3 quarts of distilled water a day.

Tomorrow I will have blood work done and my first colonic. Then we have a lot of errands to get done. I need to get a juicer and go grocery shopping and start moving into the room I am renting.

I feel a bit overwhelmed with making the adjustments to follow the treatments prescribed. I have about a dozen supplements to manage. Tyler feels worried about me stopping my antidepressants because when I have quit taking them in the past, my mood has dangerously plummeted. He also worries about me getting a cluster headache. I feel stressed about the steep upfront costs. So far we have spent about a $1000 and I am about to start paying rent. The first two weeks of treatments will be about $800 for colonics and more testing. Michele also recommends I use their hyperbaric oxygen chamber but that is $1000 for ten sessions (eeep!).

Almost forgot--the property is dog friendly so Tomtom is welcome to come with me to my daily appointments! So we'll see how that goes! He has 27 acres to romp around in but I know he'll be on my heels the whole time.

Thank you dear friends and family for the prayers, support and encouragement. I would not be beginning this healing journey without you!


  1. Good luck Emily, I am thinking of you and your road to well being. Sending hope that things run smoothly and are able to be diagnosed and treated with no hick-ups. Sadly, most things are not that way and take a lot of work. If that's the case, keep fighting the good fight and know that you have people thinking and praying for you.


  2. Thank you for starting this blog em! I look forward to seeing and hearing about your progress and you know our hearts are with you every step of the way. We shoulda snuck your xbox in your suitcase so we could play together while you're away. Love you!

  3. thanks kp! (...and of course have my xbox!!!)

  4. Thanks for the updates! so sorry you have to go through so much pain and expense! But your mom and I are praying for you every day! (And mom arrives to help Monday!) Love ...... Dad


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